Job Opportunity: PK-5 Building Secretary

Ross County Community Action Summer Food Program

Today's positive referrals:
Sam: Sam is always a PAX leader in the hallway coming to, during, and after special. He listens to directions and follows instructions. I can always count on Sam to be an example for his peers.
Roger: Roger is a determined student who always gives his best during instructional times. He displayed great attentiveness and grit during his state testing this year! Great job Roger!
Josie: Josie is committed to staying on task, doing her best, and being a PAX leader. She is always very helpful and kind to other students and teachers.
Ruby: Ruby always does quality work. She does it with a smile and great attitude.
Colton: Colton is a great role model in and out of class. He always does his best and helps others whenever he can.
Forrest: In an activity, another student was very insistent that he got Forrest out, but Forrest thought it was blocked. Rather than engage the other student or cause any arguments, Forrest took the penalty for out on his own and was quickly saved by the rule of the game. I appreciate him not taking the game too seriously! He is a competitive athlete with good character!
Great job everyone!

Adena Elementary Field Day is here! Please have children wear sunscreen and bring extra to reapply throughout the day. There will be outside games & activities for students to enjoy today! A water bottle is a good idea too!

We also had some 4th graders displaying BLUE behavior. Silas was wrote up by two separate people. His states that he is such a positive student each and every day in the classroom. He comes in each day ready to learn and does his best. His work ethic and attitude are incredible ! Great job Silas ! The second one says Silas Taffin is always showing respect for his school, self and others. He makes a great role model! He is polite to everyone! He has the kindest soul! Adena is lucky to have a student such as Silas! Morgan knew our classroom was almost out of dry erase markers. So she and her mom purchased a big box of 72 markers for our class and to share with others. Their generosity makes all the difference. Zari always walks into the computer lab with a smile and an awesome attitude. She is a wonderful role model for her peers.

We have several kindergarten students displaying BLUE behavior. Aria always has a smile on her face and she's a great helper. She is polite to others, positive, and appreciative of everything. Sawyer was a great help to Mrs. Vickers and Miss Angel on a rather hard day! Sawyer was respectful, responsible, and trustworthy! Atlas was a GREAT Principal for a day and very dedicated to his role! Cady has been working hard this year and has been making big changes! Owen had a lot of work to get caught up on and buckled down and did it with a smile on his face!

Graduation will be live streamed today! If you cannot attend Please follow the following link! And look for the Facebook link. We will have 2 different view points for you!

While they didn't meet any Former Vice Presidents today, our 8th graders had a busy day in Washington DC. Their monument & memorial tour is complete and they've seen the White House!

Finals Week Schedule

Elementary students enjoyed a visit with the therapy dog Takeo.

Principal Aubrey and Principal Cady brought energy and enthusiasm to the building today. Congratulations, ladies, on earning 100 tickets!

When in Washington DC, our 8th graders received a real surprise! Former Vice President of the United States Mike Pence made a B line to meet our group outside the capitol! The kids got to shake hands and listen to one of our nations former leaders!

Some of our 8th grade students spent the afternoon exploring Gettysburg. They enjoyed a short movie and visit to the Cyclorama inside the Visitor's Center before heading out to the battlefields. Their last stop was at the site of Pickett's Charge, pictured here.

The 4th grade had their last PBIS reward of STEAM with Sally. They were challenged to build the tallest tower that would also hold a can the longest using 30 sheets of paper and a roll of tape. The designs were unique. Thank you so much, Sally Bluck, for providing these activities this year!

Congratulations Everett and Maggie on earning 100 tickets. Your principal skills were first-rate.

Kona Ice is coming to Adena Middle School Field Day!

Briggs and Paxton earned their 100 tickets and were excellent principals these past 2 days.

Please follow the link below to view today's High School Awards Ceremony if you are unable to attend in person!

Charleigh has been caught showing her BLUE behavior! She is always making good choices! She treats everyone with Respect! She is always willing to give a helping hand to those who need it!