Our Adena Marching Band represented our school well today at the Battle of the Bands. Way to go, Marching Warriors!

A friendly reminder to all students and parents grades 6-12 that tomorrow is picture day. Don't forget to Smile!

Nash is a sweet student. He is always using manners and making sure he is doing what's correct.

Mackenzie represents our expectations each day in a calm, kind, and pleasant demeanor.

Layla has been making huge improvements daily in her classroom behavior, class work, and being a great friend! Great job, Layla!!

Harper is a great teacher helper in and out of the classroom! Harper is always trying to do better than the day before and be a great friend!

Pre-Order Adena Elementary School Pictures today!

Abram has been participating in class and completing assignments. His behavior is good. He is off to a great start in 5th grade!

Karson has been participating in class, and getting assignments completed. His behavior has been good. He is off to a great start to the school year for 5th grade!

Jordan has been working hard this year. He has shown curiosity in the classroom and has done a great job staying focused on learning. He consistently participates in class and has even shared his desire to be the best he can be this year.

Every day counts!

Adena Elementary Picture Day

Miss Leedy's Anatomy students had a blast learning about the human body through several hands-on activities! They sculpted gingerbread sized figures with playdough and performed 'surgery' with butter knives, labeled each other, and even traced their bodies to scale, all to visualize complex anatomical structures and better understand their functions. It was amazing to see their enthusiasm and engagement!"

Adena Elementary School Pictures will be Thursday, September 5, 2024

A huge shoutout to our incredible teachers who dedicated the past 4 days to our Adena 6th graders at Tim Hortons camp in Camp Kentahten, KY! They not only invested countless hours in planning and preparation but also created unforgettable memories for our students. Let's show our gratitude for these amazing educators! #weloveourteachers

Picture Day for the Middle School & High School will be September 6, 2024.
Order forms will be coming home on Tuesday of next week, or you can order online at
- use access code: adena

Please see attached the September Menu for Adena Middle School and High School!

Anna is always working hard to put in her best effort in the classroom! She is respectful and focused during learning; she participates during class discussions and doesn't talk when others are talking. She is a great model in the classroom of excellent behavior! #RespectCommitmentPridePracticedHere

Graceyn helped a student pack their book bag at the end of the day. Graceyn is always helpful during class and shows great PAX behavior wherever she goes! #RespectCommitmentPridePracticedHere

Christina, our school janitor, brightens every student's birthday. She makes each child feel truly special. When students have a birthday they can't wait to tell her so that she can serenade them. Thanks for making a difference Christina! #RespectCommitmentPridePracticedHere