Mrs. Lusk's Ceramics class is very proud of what they have made from clay. They will soon be teaming up with our Video and Sound class to prepare a video to show the public how they make works of art from clay. Here is a sneak preview.
almost 4 years ago, Josh Jones
Ruth Beery and Jacob Shipley have earned their spot on the Adena High School Academic Wall of Fame by joining the ACT 28+ Club! Awesome job!
almost 4 years ago, Josh Jones
If you received an email two weeks ago regarding the Summer Learning Academy, we are extending the deadline to respond. Please complete the form that is attached to the email and return to your child's teacher as soon as possible. This summer program is for students who have shown a large gap in learning this school year. The school is providing transportation, if needed, and lunch. It is for two weeks in June. The teachers have sent home a hard copy of the letter as well with your child(ren) if they are on the list who received the email. Please call our office if you have further questions. Thank you
almost 4 years ago, Lisa Wayland
Adena Local School District’s record keeping has earned it the Auditor of State Award. The Auditor’s office presents the Auditor of State Award to local governments and school districts upon the completion of a financial audit. Entities that receive the award meet the following criteria of a “clean” audit report: The entity must file financial reports with the Auditor of State’s office by the statutory due date, without extension, via the Hinkle System and in accordance with GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles); The audit report does not contain any findings for recovery, material citations, material weakness, significant deficiencies, Uniform Guidance (Single Audit) findings or questioned costs; The entity’s management letter contains no comment related to: - Ethics referrals - Questioned costs less than the threshold per the Uniform Guidance - Lack of timely annual financial report submission - Bank reconciliation issues - Failure to obtain a timely Single Audit in accordance with Uniform Guidance - Findings for recovery less than $500 - Public meetings or public records issues - The entity has no other financial or other concerns
almost 4 years ago, Adena Local Schools
Please read the following letter in the link below as Adena Middle School prepares for the Ohio State Assessment starting this week. If your child is an online student please use the testing dates and details that were sent to you in the mail.
almost 4 years ago, Mr. England - MS Principal
Join the club!!
almost 4 years ago, Ben Buchwalter
A reminder to our high school students that this week is Adena Hope Week! Here are the themes that our Adena Hope Squad has chosen for each day.
almost 4 years ago, Josh Jones
Eric Hurtt has signed his letter of intent for track and field at the University of Findlay! As a student athlete, Eric will major in animal science/pre-veterinary medicine. Congratulations, Eric!
almost 4 years ago, Josh Jones
Volleyball Spring Camp 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade girls April 26, 28, 30, 2021
almost 4 years ago, Ben Buchwalter
Zane White is an Adena High School senior attending Pickaway Ross CTC in the Law & Public Safety program. Zane is enlisted in the Army National Guard as a combat medic. He will head to basic training this summer at Fort Jackson in Columbia, South Carolina. Zane will then attend advanced medic training at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, Texas.
almost 4 years ago, Josh Jones
Rylie McKee is a senior at Adena High School. Rylee graduated in January and has already begun her career in the medical field as she works as a PCA at Adena Health System. Rylie will be attending Ohio University - Chillicothe this fall to become an RN.
almost 4 years ago, Josh Jones
The Adena High School National Honor Society. Congratulations to our new members!
almost 4 years ago, Josh Jones
The March Student of the Month for the high school is Maylee Hines. Keep up the great work, Maylee!
almost 4 years ago, Josh Jones
Kaylee Ogier is a senior at Adena High School. After graduation, Kaylee will be attending Ohio University-Chillicothe for her basics and then transferring to a school yet to be determined to major in neonatal nursing. Kaylee participated in basketball and volleyball in past years. Currently, Kaylee is in track, Spiketown Club Volleyball and works at Frankfort Pizza. Kaylee is also a 9 year member of the Clarksburg Jolly Beef Feeders 4-H Club.
almost 4 years ago, Josh Jones
Becca Clark is a senior at Adena High School. After graduation, Becca will be attending Ohio University this fall majoring in biology on a pre-med track. After college, she hopes to be a forensic medical examiner.
almost 4 years ago, Josh Jones
Breanna Dyke is a senior at Adena High School. Since finishing school early in January, Breanna has been working full time at Glitter Mom. She plans to attend Paul Mitchell Cosmetology School in the future, but until then she will continue working at Glitter Mom.
almost 4 years ago, Josh Jones
Monique Hardin is a senior at Adena High School. Since finishing school early in January, Monique has been working a full time job. After graduation, she plans to continue working that job until she finds something that she is interested in doing long term.
almost 4 years ago, Josh Jones
High School Event Update: The Brothers Grimm Spectacular- May 1st 3:00 p.m. and 7 p.m. May 2nd 2:00 p.m. Encore Stream- May 8th Online pre-sale tickets only. Link will be available soon. HS Band Concert- Friday, May 14th Senior Parent Night- Monday, May 24th 6:00 p.m. Location: Auditeria Academic Awards Ceremony- Tuesday, May 25th 9:00 a.m. Location: High School Gym Prom-Saturday, May 22nd. Grand March begins at 6 p.m. More details to come later. Final day for seniors-Thursday, May 27th Final Exams-June 1 -3 Adena High School Graduation- Saturday, June 5th at 7 p.m. Location: Ralph Bostic Field Live-stream provided by D44 Films. More details to come later.
almost 4 years ago, Josh Jones
Rylee Funk is a senior at Adena High School. Throughout high school, Rylee has participated in MADE, marching band, pep band, concert band, choir, theatre, and 4-H. After graduation, Rylee plans to attend Ohio University-Chillicothe and then transfer to Morehead State University to obtain her degree in respiratory therapy.
almost 4 years ago, Josh Jones
Nate Throckmorton is a senior at Adena High School. Nate is a four year letterman of the varsity football, basketball, and baseball teams. He is a member of MADE, Key Club, National Honor Society, and a senior class representative. After graduation, Nate plans on attending Alderson Broaddus Univeristy in Philippi, West Virginia to further his football and academic career!
almost 4 years ago, Josh Jones